Home is Where the Heart is

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller" -Ibn Battuta As I insinuated in my previous post, the entire 15-member CorpsAfrica Malawi team left for CorpsAfrica's inaugural All Country Conference (ACC) in Morocco. We left Malawi on October 3 and returned on October 16. I am not here to give you a detailed account of our engagements during the course of these 13 days that I spent away from my site. I am sure someone else will do that - probably with better eloquence and verbatim than I can. If you're interested, see to it that you check this page , where blog entries from all CorpsAfrica volunteers from the three countries (Malawi, Senegal, and Morocco) are posted. Otherwise, from my experience, this trip befits being labeled as an 'experience of a lifetime.' He spoke zero English and I speak zero French nor Arabic. But through sign language, we became buddies. Definitely, a highlight. Anyway, today I have decided to f...