Halfway Down the Lane

"knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do " - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe "A scared dog barks to pretend to its master but a brave dog bits to protect him" - An African Proverb July 2016 marked the midway of my service and now being August, I am looking at 5 more months before I pack my belongings and move on with my life. To add flavor to the halfway landmark of our service, CorpsAfrica Malawi held a Mid Service Training (MST), which was particularly intended to help volunteers to reflect systematically on their individual experiences this far and prepare each one of us to finish in the strongest way possible. For more information on MST and what it meant to be there, check out Deborah's and Tusa's blog entries. Otherwise, in addition to the jolly that came with this precious reunion, our resolve as a group and as individuals was tested in an unforeseen way but I am glad that we continue to march on as a group with...