The Life of Tobi

"What do people do when they appear not to be doing something?" - Paul Theroux Now that I claim to be fully inured in my community, a few friends have been bugging me to describe common shenanigans on a typical day here in Chiradzulu. As a gentleman with a penchant of offering succinct answers, responding to this question comes out as an onerous task given that the intensity of my daily schedule varies for various reasons (maybe a topic for a different day). There are weeks when I feel like I have a lot on my plate and there are weeks when I feel absolutely under-worked. For a guy who prefers to be occupied most of the time, slow days have stood out as the biggest challenge here. During the first few months, I spent my slow days sitting on my veranda with a sullen face, watching days wear off. But when it hit me that hectic days are not a daily occurrence here, I decided to devise and keep an eye for activities that I could spice up my slow days. So here we go. Since,...