
March 26, 2016 marked my one month stay in Chiradzulu. Though far from perfect, my stay in rural Chiradzulu has been remarkable to say the least. The past 30+ days have exposed me to diverse social nuances that continue to challenge - and in the process, deepen - my comprehension of the dynamics of life in Likoswe village. In relation to my service as a CorpsAfrica volunteer, a few salient reflections are in order. So far, I have attended 4 community gatherings (I organized 2 of the 4 meetings) and generally speaking, all 4 meetings were fruitful in a sense that I noticed elements of raw desire for progress in most of the attendants. The zeal to initiate change has been visible during all 4 meetings. For example, during one of the meetings that I organized, a lady named Mrs. Ellen Chikuse gave an assurance that the residents of Likoswe village have the ability to work as a unit when solving collective problems. " Achimwene, anthu a mwa Likoswe sititengela pamgong'o ntchito z...